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Report - - Bolivar’s Peninsula, Galveston, USA. 19.01.09 | European and International Sites |

Report - Bolivar’s Peninsula, Galveston, USA. 19.01.09

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Photos courtesy of my lovely cousin Jayne who is in Houston at the moment.
Recycle Bin if appropriate, but I thought it was quite interesting..

In September 2008, the peninsula was devastated by Hurricane Ike. The catastrophic damage predicted for Galveston Island actually occurred here when the hurricane's forecasted path shifted before landfall. Most buildings were destroyed by the wide storm's massive storm surge, and survivors are being asked to leave after many were rescued after and just before the storm. As of September 17, there were about 200 people remaining, and authorities said martial law may be imposed in a few days in order to force them off. Public utilities are not expected to be restored for several weeks or months, as there is very little left to restore utilities to.

She said:
"You can just wonder around, we had to get a Ferry over there, no one is staying on the peninsula at night they all get the ferry back to the mainland part of Galveston as there is no electricity or running water yet.
When I was down there I was thinking how much you would have loved it, just wrecked houses and debris everywhere, unfortunately we got there as the sun was setting so didn’t get as many photos as we liked!"







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