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Question - what your biggest "oh s**t " moment?

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Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Just thinking back to his this escalated after we were released from the chimney. As mentioned the police were sound, but security were not happy. Not happy at all! They wanted to push for a prosecution, but the police were having none of it. Security had made a few reports to the police about the pikies and it was clear we were nothing to do with that so it would be a complete waste of time and money to take any further action. An argument pursued, with the police on our side for once! Security even tried to block the exit to stop the police vehicles from leaving the site. I'm not sure what was said between them from then on, but they moved out of the way after a while, looking very pissed off 🤣

Terminal Decline

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I guess my biggest oh shit moment would be after we found the entrance into the chimney at Eggborough power station to be open. The padlock was missing so we went in and headed up to the top. We hadn't been up there for long when we noticed security as they did their regular patrol, then watched as they stopped off at the bottom of the chimney. Next thing we know, the police arrive, make their way through the site and also park up at the chimney. It was clear they had no idea anyone was up there, but they, like we had done a little earlier, had discovered the missing padlock. We finished up taking photos and headed down to discover the inevitable... They had re-secured the door and locked us in. As hard as we tried, there was no possibility of finding another way out. The solid metal doors were the only way through the concrete base of the chimney, and with all the locking mechanisms being on the outside we had no chance of opening it. We ended up having to call the police and explain the situation, having them come back to inform security that we were in there. The police were sound with us, and told us that the security staff had seen pikies on site the night before who had removed a few locks to let themselves in. They gave us a lift back to the car and we were on our way.
Climbing all those stairs to find there was nothing to prevent one dropping 200m off the edge was a significant "oh shit!" moment in itself lol

Westcountry Explorer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There's been a few times whilst exploring abandoned houses I've started going into a room and a bird (Mainly pigeons.) has flown right at me and out of the room, scaring the absolute crap out of me in the process. I've developed a strong fear of birds as a result; just hearing a pigeon is enough to scare me nowadays lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
Mine was about 4 years ago, old school in Rottingdean/Brighton. Nosey neighbours came out and threatened me with police, didn’t bother me really, went in anyways, 10 minutes later, 15 police with dogs turned up with tasers drawn, very big holy sh*t moment when they kicked the door in lol.
They explained they had reports of an individual shooting fireworks inside the property. they admitted how embarrassed they felt when they realised I was just taking a few pictures, I was let go without charge. genuinely felt I was going down that time..
Hey where was this school, i live in woodingdean and do tonns of urbex but have never heard of a school


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Did a second trip down a mine with 3 other friends we walked past a pumping station with lights on went further down on the way back up towards the pumping station the air was still and quite we were greeted with a blast of air and horrible low grinding banging humming noise that intensified every second turns out the pumps had kicked in 🤣 was terrified my only thought was great time for the sketchy ladders



T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Started reading this last night and thought I’d add my own…there’s a few 😂

standing in the little library bar area at the Grasshopper and a security guy walks in with his dog, looks straight at me and leaves.

cam face to face with a policeman through a window at a care home. He left, beginning to think I’m invisible.

foot went through a floor, moved my other leg to get balance to get out and that went through the floor as well. Had the beam between my legs and had to crawl out. Couldn’t shout for the person I was with coz someone was wandering round outside. Thankfully on the ground floor.

forgetting to check a door before it shut and realised there was no handle so stuck in a room in a hospital. No choice but to smash the window in the door to get out.

secca slamm a doo open right next to where I was standing. I almost shit myself and he was really angry but calmed down when he realised it was just 2 girls taking photos

Urban Ginger Hog

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Whilst climbing out of Townsend Farm dressing station, my mate who was ahead of me, dislodged a nicely sized rock from the vertical climb out. Everything went in slow motion as I saw this bloody rock hurtling straight down, and smack me straight in the head! Had blood pouring out the side of my head. My mate shat himself, shouting for me to get out quick. Easier said than done with a mild concussion and still a very awkward climb back out! Got home,
put my own steri strips on, covered with a thick bandage. My misses was not impressed as I walked through the door with blood over my clothes lol! I haven't been back since


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Very recent.
Union Carbide plant at Sheffield was a shitshow for me:

Came on site off the road, found the open space was demolished and being developed, I was a couple meters from lots of heavy machinery.

Got close to the site, found it’s being used to store buses and heavy machinery, with some people giving us funny looks.

Hid behind some shed, a couple bus drivers were staring at us and wouldn’t go until we moved, they could definitely tell we weren’t meant to be there.

We try walk along the road side towards the main gate for an entrance, when a security van pulls in and we have to outrun it to get back before he sees us.

a couple HGVs pull out from the active building right next to where we were, none saw us as they went along the road we were hiding at.

Were the photos worth it? Maybe. Hilarious to look back on? Definitely.

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