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Report - - British Extracting Co. Ltd. Hull. April 2018 | Industrial Sites |

Report - British Extracting Co. Ltd. Hull. April 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Explored with @jaws who I explored with in November/December 2017

Some stolen history from other posts...

This former British Extracting Company silo was built in 1919 and designed by Gilder & Kitchen of Hull. It was part of the site of an oil extracting mill. The interior is divided by cross walls into storage bins where the grain was stored. The attached receiving house was used for transferring material from road and river into the silo. The former British Extracting Company building, which has been disused since the 1970s, was used to store seeds for use in oils and cattle feed, however now sits on an aggregates processing site, somewhat out of place. It achieved listed status in 1993 so unlike the few other mills in Hull which have been demolished (Spillers and Rank Hovis etc.) this one is likely to stay for now.

The Explore..

This was the coolest explore I've done yet. Once entering the site we discovered that it is partially used. A man appeared every now and again with a torch searching about and lorries would come in every so often to drop off skips and/or rubbish. This meant we had to make a run for it when he wasn't about and no lorries were coming through. The entrance, which I wont give away, was extremely tight to say the least and quite high up. I'm genuinely shocked we weren't caught especially with using our torches and the amount of noise made. Once inside we looked about for stairs or a ladder to gain access to the roof. I was unaware that this building only had one accessible way to the roof and that was ladders from the ground floor to the very top and seen as though I made so much effort getting into the building I had to do it. The climb wasn't so bad in the dark however at the very top of the metal ladders we found a wooden ladder held up by string suspended over a drop which was probably the worst part. The metal ladders themselves are sound but the shitty wooden ones had seen better days. The best part was walking out onto the roof and seeing the entire of Hull lit up. It was well worth the climb, enjoy the pics!

First couple of images are from our first visit in November 2017
These were taken in the receiving house attached to the main building.
I thought these were quite interesting and bulk up the report a little bit.









Hope you enjoyed the report and images!
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just to add a bit more of the same, here are some photos I got below from the visit.




Unfortunately we didn't get to explore the inside much, when I climbed through the entrance I had a staring contest with what I thought was someone in a hi-vis jacket standing about 30m away, and from then on we saw him a fair bit stood outside, although as @ShutterBug said, there were lorries and vans coming in and out. As such, we didn't want to light up the inside too much as it would give us away (the only time I've wished that my torch wasn't brighter). That said, we mainly went there for the roof, and it was more than worth it, given the amount of times I have walked/ridden/driven by and wondered how the fuck to get up there.

I didn't look around loads, but it appears there used to be sets of stairs that went all the way to the top, but they've been chopped at the bottom (as was with some of Rank Hovis, I believe). The ladders weren't too bad, and I have to say climbing them in the dark made it almost more bearable, as you literally could not look down. I am surprised no one has replaced the wooden ladder, does anyone know how long it has been there?

As unplanned explores go, I would say this was a pretty good one, although I think it'll be a while before I return!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That wooden ladder has been there for at least 15 years I'd say.

I can't find any reports where it's not there, though they only date back to 2007/8. It might be a project for someone to take a decent ladder and secure it so it doesnt tip backwards at all!


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
I can't find any reports where it's not there, though they only date back to 2007/8. It might be a project for someone to take a decent ladder and secure it so it doesnt tip backwards at all!

That ladder puts hairs on your chest. It's all good fun :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice pics and report mate :thumb You gonna do that chimney?
Thinking about it but entry will be a ball ache and I've heard somewhere that some ladders have been removed to prevent people climbing although I'm unsure :confused:


28DL Member
28DL Member
Very cool. Tried this place a few times and never managed to find a way in. Always been on my list to get to the top somehow.

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