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Report - Car Graveyard, Bisbrooke March 2019

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grumpy sod
Regular User
2019 was a fantastic year for me finding car graveyards, I think I found more that year than I ever have before. This was one of my favourite accidental finds, I was cruising around Google Maps in the general area of a bunch of other places I was planning on checking out the same day and spotted what looked like two cars in a field in the small village of Bisbrooke north of Corby, so I pinned it as something to go look at 'just in case' (like a lot of my car graveyard finds start!). We parked up nearby and worked our way into the field next door and imagine my surprise when off to the right I suddenly saw a row of cars disappearing into the undergrowth, I always get a little rush whenever one of my chance spots actually turns out to be something decent.

After getting onto the property proper there turned out to be more there than I ever expected, including two very rare estate cars in the shape of an FSO 125P and Austin Allegro and two very rare pickups in the shape of an Austin A55 and Peugeot 504 among other stuff including a Ford Anglia peeking out from under a large tarp. There were also numerous sheds on the property but most just filled with general junk and old wood, nothing interesting, as well as a very well sealed small bungalow.

The property has now been totally cleared, I saw one of my friends who is involved in oval racing/scrap metal recycling had loaded up trucks full of the cars yesterday - I instantly recognised where they had come from when I saw the FSO and Austin Allegros. Some may well appear on the banger racing circuits at some point in the future but most were too far gone to realistically do anything with.
















Thanks for looking :)


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
You do have a knack of finding abandoned car grave yards, every one i find is attached to a farm and im shouted at before I get to look around lol, there's 3 local to me but all the cars are still wanted/in use apparently lol
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grumpy sod
Regular User
You do have a knack of finding abandoned car grave yards, every one i find is attached to a farm and im shouted at before I get to look around lol, there's 3 local to me but all the cars are still wanted/in use apparently lol

I did get rather lucky last year, this year I've not been quite so fortunate!

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