Visited with Riddlers and Markr.
Previously owned by the MOD, then DERA, then Qiniteq. Now it's hired out to private companies for testing, filming, track days etc.
The testing areas include 3 ramps of 30, 45 and 60 degrees incline, various surfaces including cobbles and 'rocks'. There are random drops and holes as well. On site there is a tank weighbridge, a huge lifting gantry, engineering sheds, a control tower. You can see the tower briefly from the eastbound M3.
Previously owned by the MOD, then DERA, then Qiniteq. Now it's hired out to private companies for testing, filming, track days etc.
The testing areas include 3 ramps of 30, 45 and 60 degrees incline, various surfaces including cobbles and 'rocks'. There are random drops and holes as well. On site there is a tank weighbridge, a huge lifting gantry, engineering sheds, a control tower. You can see the tower briefly from the eastbound M3.