I visited this site back in June, which must have around the same time as tegwin's visit - what are the chances! 
I'd been to the site about a year before (my first explore!) but didn't have my camera, so that was the purpose of this visit, some documentation for 28DL. The site has been of interest to me for years. The old masts were clearly visable on the drive to Oswestry and I always wondered what was at the base. I only visited originally when I stumbled upon the link on sub-brit.
Even though Tegwin's post has already covered it, I'd post some of my pictures up
I didn't have a chance to go ino other buildings down the road, which is a shame.
Some other links on the site
The Inside Story of Criggion Radio Station
This is the entrace to the medium wave (HF) transmitter building
Closer up
Old sign hidden in the undergrowth on the gate
Not too sure what this is for, I think it's something to do with the anti-cut fence system
The building itself
With the serious fence around the site
Lots of these all over the place - lots of volts!
This is one of the bases for the old masts, plenty of them about
The interior of the medium wave building, like the others, is trashed
You can see the main building across the road
The main building itself. That massive fence on the left houses the old car park!
This is the old video phone entry system. This was in much better condition last year, shame I didn't have my camera at the time
Sorry looking chair in a pile of broken glass
This lonley filing cabinet was outside an old outbuilding now used as a cow shed - it smelt baaaaad
Massive loading door around the back
My favourite kind of radiation!
The hall on the main entrance
I THINK this is the old main VLF hall
Through a seperate door is what seemed like the admin area, which went through to the big coil room / hall
Yet more trashed rooms
The massive sized coil room - my flash wasn't good enough
You can see where all the cables would have come through in the top right

I'd been to the site about a year before (my first explore!) but didn't have my camera, so that was the purpose of this visit, some documentation for 28DL. The site has been of interest to me for years. The old masts were clearly visable on the drive to Oswestry and I always wondered what was at the base. I only visited originally when I stumbled upon the link on sub-brit.
Even though Tegwin's post has already covered it, I'd post some of my pictures up
I didn't have a chance to go ino other buildings down the road, which is a shame.
Some other links on the site
The Inside Story of Criggion Radio Station
This is the entrace to the medium wave (HF) transmitter building
Closer up
Old sign hidden in the undergrowth on the gate
Not too sure what this is for, I think it's something to do with the anti-cut fence system
The building itself
With the serious fence around the site
Lots of these all over the place - lots of volts!
This is one of the bases for the old masts, plenty of them about
The interior of the medium wave building, like the others, is trashed
You can see the main building across the road
The main building itself. That massive fence on the left houses the old car park!
This is the old video phone entry system. This was in much better condition last year, shame I didn't have my camera at the time
Sorry looking chair in a pile of broken glass
This lonley filing cabinet was outside an old outbuilding now used as a cow shed - it smelt baaaaad
Massive loading door around the back
My favourite kind of radiation!
The hall on the main entrance
I THINK this is the old main VLF hall
Through a seperate door is what seemed like the admin area, which went through to the big coil room / hall
Yet more trashed rooms

The massive sized coil room - my flash wasn't good enough

You can see where all the cables would have come through in the top right