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Report - - Guinness Brewery, Park Royal - 12/02/06 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Guinness Brewery, Park Royal - 12/02/06

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Got to London nice and early with Stumpy and Zippy. Met up with Riddlers and Sick and made our way in, with a bit of advice from Raddog.

Saw some 'big stuff', vats and stuff, then we split up into 2 groups and went our own way for a while. Did the bottling plant, then some rooftops with Stumpy then moved into the HQ building. Found some interesting stuff ;) then met up with Little Elvis, Alias, Wooble and Batman. Good to meet you guys at last. Had a chat and went our own ways again.

We ended up on the demolished side of the factory. Some great views and a rather cheeky staircase eh stumpy? Met up with Zippy and got out of Dodge pronto...

..some pics...