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28DL and UE in the News - Hull Daily Mail (2) - 15/02/07 | 28DL and Urban Exploring in the News... |

28DL and UE in the News Hull Daily Mail (2) - 15/02/07

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member

08:00 - 15 February 2007

As Well as new developments such as St Stephen's, the urban explorers have explored many crumbling buildings in Hull.

On the 28 Days Later forum, an explorer called Dweeb has posted photographs taken on a trip inside the giant former Spillers mill alongside the River Hull.

Dweeb said: "Took in some of the shop floors and the laboratory, with its ancient tin-lined sinks and oak benches.

"All the floors are riddled with holes that once had belts passing between floors ... It must have been some sight in its heyday."

Turkey, who explored St Stephen's, and another photographer known as Tims have posted evocative images from inside Boothferry Park, Hull City's former home.

Dweeb and another photographer have taken pictures of old goods sheds and railway lines at Alexandra Dock, east Hull.

Another known as fatsamurai went into the former J Marr building in St Andrew's Dock, taking pictures of empty offices and boardrooms.

The Lighting The Darkness site features a series of pictures taken inside the former Lord Line building next to J Marr.

Photographer Turkey said: "Being derelict for so long, the building has suffered, but still retains much of its character."

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