Same place - different name.
This place...
Victoria Arches - Wikipedia
Visited with Stepping Lightly, thank you.
The layout of this place can be summarised by a number of arched rooms all leading back to a long corridor. Generally, all rooms are accessible from the corridor.
There's a lot of pictures, please be patient...
Corridor shot, including 'the' sign...
On another internal wall, near the river...
Now this might look like a pile of rotting timber (because it is)....
...but there's a good possibility that it's the remains of an external fixture, like one of these...
Collapsed aircon, on a pile of rubble....
Most of the rooms had this rubble, earth and old household waste in them, it had been transported in there, rather than being dropped in through the surface, or a collapse.
Direction signs painted on the walls...
Weird aircon and an internal whitewashed wall...
A pair of double doors that would have led to the river...
Steps to the corridor...
Some type of secure storage in its day...
Looking up to the corridor...
The medical room entrance...
The corridor...
At this point, the corridor widened a lot...
The windowed entrance to the gents toilets...
Looking down...
Old signage...
In the toilet attendants room...
more than likely it's the window and hole on the left here...
View attachment 52970
The gents toilets...
The toilet steps and ancillary rooms...
The aircon room...
An arched room...
Finally, a shot of the arches, the toilet attendants window is on the right.
This place...
Victoria Arches - Wikipedia
Visited with Stepping Lightly, thank you.
The layout of this place can be summarised by a number of arched rooms all leading back to a long corridor. Generally, all rooms are accessible from the corridor.
There's a lot of pictures, please be patient...
Corridor shot, including 'the' sign...
On another internal wall, near the river...
Now this might look like a pile of rotting timber (because it is)....
...but there's a good possibility that it's the remains of an external fixture, like one of these...
Collapsed aircon, on a pile of rubble....
Most of the rooms had this rubble, earth and old household waste in them, it had been transported in there, rather than being dropped in through the surface, or a collapse.
Direction signs painted on the walls...
Weird aircon and an internal whitewashed wall...
A pair of double doors that would have led to the river...
Steps to the corridor...
Some type of secure storage in its day...
Looking up to the corridor...
The medical room entrance...
The corridor...
At this point, the corridor widened a lot...
The windowed entrance to the gents toilets...
Looking down...
Old signage...
In the toilet attendants room...
more than likely it's the window and hole on the left here...
View attachment 52970
The gents toilets...
The toilet steps and ancillary rooms...
The aircon room...
An arched room...
Finally, a shot of the arches, the toilet attendants window is on the right.
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