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Report - - Postal Workers Holiday Camp - Italy - July 2022 | European and International Sites |

Report - Postal Workers Holiday Camp - Italy - July 2022

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Sore Knee
Regular User
It's located in the rolling hills of Tuscany and is made up of two large concrete blocks. Like I have already mentioned it was a holiday camp and it belonged to the Social Insurance Institution of the Italian Mailing Company. The building was originally constructed at a cost of 1.5 Billion Italian Lira and had an area of 13,000 square meters. It was used solely for the purposes of ensuring postal employees and their children had a relaxing break during the summer months.

As a massive holiday resort for kids, the facility could accommodate up to 230 children at the same time and was only open during the summer, it remained closed for the rest of the year.

The summer camp was built between 1970 and 1974 and the first guests arrived in 1975. The children were housed in the main building and the parents were accommodated in the hotel next door. The actual building was designed as a coastal resort and therefore the styling was uncommon for this region of Italy. It is unknown why they chose to build a holiday complex so far from the sea.

When constructing the building they also incorporated a relatively extensive hospital ward

Again, this one has faired pretty badly, and if it wasnt for the niceish medical ward area, Id say it really wasnt worth the fair drive to the remote location.
Gremlins were seriolsy playing with me in this place. At one point I found my ISO set to 5000, then later my lens focus and been turned to manual. Then I have noticed a misty spot in all the photos - grrrr

Green Resort and Hospital (2 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (8 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (9 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (14 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (16 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (18 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (19 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (28 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (29 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (30 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (31 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (33 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (35 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (36 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (38 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (41 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (42 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (47 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (48 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (52 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (54 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (56 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (57 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (59 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (64 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (67 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (73 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (76 of 80).JPG

Green Resort and Hospital (79 of 80).JPG


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I like this a lot, love big lumps of concrete like that.