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Report - - Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham - March 2017 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham - March 2017

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My Report
This place appeared to be in one of the worst conditions ive ever seen a place in, This is a massive explore and although the buildings still stand its a very risky explore as your constantly dodging security. To start off we were willing to enter the hospital by hopping the fence, However we met a group of 3 kids at the age of 11 and they were holding an axe, Obviously being young kids we didnt pay much attention, We entered the building and they gave us a brief tour before we made the video. They then told us to follow them onto the roof in which we were about to do however we were striving to record. Then as they entered the roof security shouted for them to get down and started running towards them, they informed us and we managed to escape. Later on we came back and recorded this whole video. Definitely one of the sketchiest explores due to axe's lieing around, The POSTCODE Graffiti and security constantly on watch.


Like many of the older hospitals in the UK, Selly Oak Hospital started out its life as a Union Workhouse for the poor. The Workhouse at Selly Oak was built in 1872 to replace five smaller hospitals around the area and could house 200 pauper inmates.

A separate infirmary was built in 1897 which could accommodate around 250 patients. At this time there were no operating theatres or a morgue. The internal walls were not plastered which was commonplace in Workhouses as painted brick was considered adequate for paupers. The workhouse and infirmary were separated by a high dividing wall and were run as two separate establishments.

The hospital was expanded gradually between 1911-1929 with the addition of operating theatres and surgical wards. The mortuary and pathology laboratories were added in 1934. The hospital was incorporated into the NHS in 1948 and ongoing improvements and additions were made until the site was closed in 2012.






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Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
This place has changed a lot since my last visit. Done it twice and didn't have any problems, security was very slack but there was plenty of workers to constantly hide from. It was a decent explore back then before it got trashed and graffiti sprayed all over.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm surprised it's not all completely gone by now.

Only ever saw Security in the very early days when it had just closed. When I last went there was literally no one about, apart from some guy nicking office chairs.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeh this explore was insane as it was massive, We were very skeptical to not get caught due to having 2 cameras on us so we didnt want to get them confiscated for evidence if we were caught. The security were slacking though they werent even patrolling. We even heard someone screaming in the main building and someone walking through the abandoned car park.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report :)
Heard that this place was being demolished? anyone know if its still standing at all.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The majority of the site is houses now. I think there might be one or two buildings left if you're lucky.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Google it and it will give you the address. It's not remotely difficult to find.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Probably not now. There might be 1 or 2 buildings left if you're lucky but I certainly wouldn't go out of your way to have a look.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If you put Birmingham into the search bar you'll be able to have a look through the reports and see if any take your fancy.

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