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Report - - Three Bridge Mill, Buckinghamshire - May 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Three Bridge Mill, Buckinghamshire - May 2023

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Me and @V50jake decided to head to Buckinghamshire to check this and a few other locations out that we have been wanting to look at for a while.

History & Information (from Mooksters report and FB)
Three Bridge Mill is a three-story mill with a house attached and was owned by the Burton family in the eighteenth century, and was later bought by the Taylor family who lived in the house and worked the mill. A post on FB also references another family owning the mill before the Burton family occupied it, but I’m not sure of the legitimacy of this. The house became disused in 2011 following the death of its final resident, Norman Taylor. It is thought that the mill has been disused for a longer period of time.

A preservation/memories page on Facebook was set up a while ago and some members of the Taylor family shared their memories of living and working at the mill. Lots of people in the local area had/have a connection to the site and the area was used for fishing, picnics, swimming in the river, etc. There was also a pub nearby called the Seven Stars, but I’m unsure if this had a direct link to the mill. There are some more details on the Friends of Three Bridge Mill Facebook Group and is worth having a look through if of interest.

The mill itself is small and spans across three floors, most machinery is still present above the mill race and on the second floor. Some renovations have been made to the building, potentially after it became disused. These include the roof, some of the windows, and the wood beams in the roof. At the beginning of 2022, the local Drainage Board attended the site to maintain the nearby watercourse by the bridge. The mill is close to the HS2 rail route and an early Roman anthropomorphic or humanlike wooden carved figure was discovered nearby during an archaeological dig.

The mill and attached house went on the market during the second half of 2022 with a guide price of £725k. It was purchased around Christmas last year. The mill race dried up at some point in 2021, presumably related to the HS2 operations nearby, but water is now flowing again. The fate of the future of the mill and house is not yet known.

The Explore
The visit was very chilled out and we both really enjoyed it. The mill is still in pretty good nick but the house has started to suffer from quite a bit of decay in some of the rooms, but there’s no graffiti or vandalism. Also, the kitchen is probably the funkiest kitchen I’ve ever seen.

Onto the photos, starting with the cool kitchen...



Moving onto the second floor of the mill, where most of the machinery remains:






The upstairs attic area:




There was some nice machinery directly above the mill race, looking through a hatch on the ground floor:




And a nice little room on the ground floor on the other side of the mill race, with a few nice bits in:


A nice gauge on the wall:



And some various detail shots to finish off (finally treated myself to a 50mm Prime lens!)







Thanks for looking!

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