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  1. dansgas1000

    Report - St. Peters Seminary, Cardross, Scotland - April 2024

    Introduction Ever since I started getting into the hobby several years ago, I have always known about St. Peters and have always wanted to visit. Being over a 7-hour drive away, I didn’t think I would ever do it, but me and @JakeV50 decided to plan and pick a week to do this and some other bits...
  2. dansgas1000

    Report - Barony Colliery Power Station, Ayrshire, Scotland - April 2024

    Introduction Whilst searching around a while back for places around Scotland, I came across the Barony A-frame on Google Maps, I then noticed a large derelict building in the trees. After doing some research, I discovered that this was an old power station, or part thereof. The last report on...
  3. dansgas1000

    Report - Kelburn Estate Waterworks Pumping Station, Ayrshire - April 2024

    Introduction This was one of many sites me and @JakeV50 visited on our recent trip across the border. We didn’t know what to expect with this one, having only seen an external image. Certainly not the most exciting find with lots of graffiti, but the interior is undocumented online so felt it...
  4. T_Explorer

    Report - St Peter's Seminary in Scotland - October 2023

    Hello, Everybody... I hope you are all having a pleasant day. I recently visited St Peter's Seminary in Cardross and did some research on the history of the location. The building opened in 1966 and was known for its modernest/brutalist architectural design. During its years of activity, the...
  5. MacMan

    Report - Station Hotel, Ayr – April 2023

    Background History Ayr’s Station Hotel opened in 1886 and was built as part of a new main railway station for Ayr. It was designed by Andrew Galloway, chief engineer of the Glasgow and South Western Railway company, and was constructed in a French Renaissance style with a Scottish influence...
  6. Webbs0710

    Report - Deep Mine Headstocks, Part 3, Scotland, Various Locations, 2023

    So here is Part 3 of the remaining Headstocks in the UK! Slight change of plan, this is now going to be four parts, as the last report is simply too big to post as one. Scotland first, as I need to research a couple of last minute Yorkshire additions for Northern England. Previous parts can be...
  7. Wastelandr

    Report - Haggis & Hospitals: An 'Insane' Scottish Roadtrip Megathread - November 2022

    My favourite shot of the trip - as asylum as it gets Hello folks, thought I'd share with you all an urbex adventure from last year. Myself and @KismetJ had a renewed in interest in asylums after the gem that is St. Martins emerged on the scene. Whilst we managed to explore a handful of local...
  8. Wastelandr

    Report - St. Peters Seminary, Cardross, Scotland - Nov 2022

    This place is a true OG-era urbex icon that needs little introduction. For many years I've seen it featured in books and articles and even the excellent 2007 film 'Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness'. Whilst on a Scotland roadtrip this year I finally got the chance to check out this...
  9. Boots432

    Lead or Rumour info - Kirroughtree Country House-Newtown stewart scotland

    I was staying near by in a lodge, and after a walk I find this old hotel, seemingly abandoned. The hotel has been abandoned for a few years now due to the owner going bankrupt. After some wandering and trying doors and windows I gave up gaining access. Here are some pics i seem like im the...
  10. K

    Report - The Shed at Ettrick Mill, Selkirk, September 21

    The Shed, built in the 1880s, was an extension to Ettrick Mill in Selkirk. Used as part of the local Tweed and fabric industry during an economic boom to the area, The Shed would have housed many looms all working constantly. As the industry declined gradually in the area, Ettrick Mill was one...
  11. K

    Report - Murray Royal Hospital, Perth - June 2021

    First opening its doors in 1828, the James Murray Lunatic Asylum is an astounding building. Over the decades, the asylum was expanded as it succeeded as an establishment. In 1948 it became part of the NHS, however by the 80s, such a large building was no longer needed and it slowly went into...
  12. K

    Report - East Fortune Hospital, June 2021

    Fantastic wee hospital! The place was built in 1922 and at the outbreak of WW2 assisted the RAF base nearby. After the war it converted to a tuberculosis sanitorium but as cases of TB in Scotland started to drop it was decided to be used as a clinic to help the mentally handicapped from the mid...
  13. K

    Report - Bristol Mill, Galashiels, May2021

    Bristol Mill on the North Eastern end of Galashiels, Scotland, was a wool mill first built in 1885. Throughout the 20th century the mill changed owners but always used for wool and yarn until it finally closed in 1998. Tweed wool was a huge industry for the area and so really helped to generate...
  14. K

    Report - St Aidans Hospital, Gattonside - April 2021

    Reposting because I think I posted this in the wrong place first time! Sorry if seeming like spam! First report so please be kind haha! St Aidans was built in the 1820s by Sir Adam Ferguson, a close friend of Sir Walter Scott, and then expanded upon by George Bainbridge. The house had several...
  15. hhh

    Report - Kinbrace ROC, Highland, Scotland - September 2019

    Kinbrace Royal Observer Corps (ROC) post opened in 1959 and closed in 1991 (according to Kinbrace is Post 16 within 30 Group ROC headquartered in Inverness (King Duncan's Road). Observation Lieutenant MacDonald was responsible for this post along with Melvich (15), Altnaharra...
  16. @PigDogUrbex

    Glasgow District Court Hall - Nov 2020

    Had a look and nobody seems to have posted? I do enjoy explores with some kind of niche purpose as they differential themselves from the norm a bit more.. The site is multistoried including a basement sub level, court hall and jail cells. I would say around 1/4 of the building is too dangerous...
  17. LochlanMcIverPhotography

    Report - Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin - Oct 2020

    Short wee visit to the hospital.
  18. Rebeka

    Finance House, Edinburgh, UK. August 2020

    The explore: This is a really exciting hidden gem, as there aren't a lot of reports about it. Surprisingly though, it was very easy to access and there was a lot to explore. We spent a good few hours here. We went back in a few days after our visit, and found the place in total mess, with a lot...
  19. Hypnomoomin

    Report - East Fortune Hospital, East Lothian - July 2020

    Hi, new here but had a love for exploring for a good few years now. Hope this first report is ok. Have tried to include everything I can think of and not too pic heavy I hope. Thanks A little about the hospital In 1922 several buildings and an area of land were used to create East Fortune...
  20. F

    Report - Inverclyde Air Raid Shelter, Port Glasgow- July 2020

    The History: Built by the Birkmyre family, this was the largest privately owned air raid shelter in the UK and it was used by the workers at the nearby ropeworks. It measures almost 600m in length with the tunnels approximately 10 feet wide and 7 feet tall when they are not flooded with mud and...