Many thanks to all concerned, I really wanted to see this place, as it is a rare survivor of the Thames' days as a working river. There were hundreds of these buildings, much more grand and interesting than Chambers... but all have made way for the development of the capital, leaving Chambers standing as a small reminder of the industrial past of London.
With only having my camera with me, I was worried I would struggle as I attempted to capture the superb view tripod-less... but I was happy with what I got. Inside is bare, but is hiding a past that will take some digging to unwravle. Blast doors for the basement... Air force stencil on the doors?? Who knows, but I enjoyed the night a treat...
The first time I saw this shot it summed the place in a nutshell for me. I was convinced I would not be able to get it without a tripod, but after almost a dozen attempts I was able to hold the camera steady for 30 seconds on the very corner of the wall... and here it is
With only having my camera with me, I was worried I would struggle as I attempted to capture the superb view tripod-less... but I was happy with what I got. Inside is bare, but is hiding a past that will take some digging to unwravle. Blast doors for the basement... Air force stencil on the doors?? Who knows, but I enjoyed the night a treat...
The first time I saw this shot it summed the place in a nutshell for me. I was convinced I would not be able to get it without a tripod, but after almost a dozen attempts I was able to hold the camera steady for 30 seconds on the very corner of the wall... and here it is