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R. I. P Yorrick

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In Search of Lost Time
Regular User
Terrible news, my thoughts are with you and the family!
RIP Yorrick.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I never got to meet Yorrick but he was always my go-to guy to quiz on various gadgets for phone cameras. Really to sad to hear the news and I'm very sorry for your loss X


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nic was a great help to a newbie like me years ago and his explores an inspiration. Without him the heritage of many buildings and industries will, I'm sure, have been lost without documenting.
I'm sorry for your loss, with best wishes to you and the family.


Regular User
Really sad news.

Yorrick was a real mainstay of the forum and a really useful, knowledgeable man to have around. More than that though, I'm certain everyone will agree, he was just such a great bloke! A genuine, honest, affable man who was naturally very friendly and helpful.

He was very supportive, complimentary and kind to me personally, although I only met him a couple of times in person.

His Fixing the Clock report is the only report I ever nominated for inclusion in Noteworthy Reports. Go give it a read, proper stuff.

RIP buddy. My heart goes out to all his family.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
So so sorry to read this, Yorrick was a very helpful & kind man. Made me guess his id, on fb. I`m shocked tbh. My deepest condolences to his family, & my thoughts go out to them, he will be badly missed by this community too.

I didnt get a new post notification for this thread & even though its a week old now, Im glad to read all the comments & a fund has been raised. R.I.P Yorrick, one of a kind.


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
It's always a sad day too lose an explorer/friend/family member. I don't drink but I will have a beer for you matey. R. I. P you will live on in our hearts and in our memories. ❤️

The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I used to PM occasionally with Yorrick but remember being his lighting bitch in Flo Selecta, he was a decent lad :( My Thoughts are with Millie and the rest of his family.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is so sad. I’ve never met him but have loved reading his reports RIP Yorrick


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Sorry for the late reply but only reading this now.

I never met Yorrick but talked to him here on the forum and PM on plenty on occasions (lighting and underground usually !!) and he always came across as a genuine and very decent person so was shocked when I saw this thread.

Threads welcoming new members to the forum and the merits of Huawei phones underground for photos just won't seem the same again.

My thoughts are with Millie and his family.

RIP Yorrick

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