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  1. Elcamino;)

    Motorway Bridge Infrastructure-Kent (May 2024)

    Hiya! This is just a short one but I thought I'd post a quick report as it's been a while and I don't want to make a report on my favourite spot yet incase security make it harder to visit before I can go back with my mates and take some pictures of the upper levels. So I thought I'd do a report...
  2. Tunnel Gricer

    Report - Moseley Green Railway Tunnel / Forest of Dean - 2024

    Moseley Green Tunnel (503 Yards) Severn & Wye Rly. Opened 1872 - Closed 1951 The Severn & Wye Railway was authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1809 and opened the following year as a horse-drawn tramway. In 1865 five locomotives were purchased and the route was mostly converted to broad...
  3. Mr Budge

    Chesterfield Railway Tunnel - January 2024

    Had this on the list of things to tick off for a while so once i found myself with a few hours free one morning it was time for a solo wander and the first outing of 2024. Built in the late 19th century this disused railway tunnel located in Chesterfield was part of the Great central railway an...
  4. Elcamino;)

    Report - De Belle Vue caves and witch’s kitchen-December 2023

    Good afternoon Blade Runners, today I’m going going to talk about what I was doing with my £200 monthly train ticket to Canterbury. And that’s “having a break while switching trains” at Ramsgate so I can do some exploring when I’m not at work. The Witch’s Kitchen The Witch’s kitchen cave is...
  5. Elcamino;)

    Report - Centre Bastion-Swale (August 2023)

    The Centre Bastion we know today was built in 1825 during the expansion of De Gomme’s original Sheerness Lines defences from 1670. It was originally armed with 64 pounder guns only for 2 10” mark 111 RML guns to be added. These were loaded with ammunition from the magazine tunnels below which...
  6. Elcamino;)

    Report - Bastion No.1 -December 2023, Swale

    Often mistaken for the nearby Centre Bastion or somehow the fort at Garrison Point (by clickbaiters and idiots), Bastion Number 1 was part of the “Sheerness Lines” which is basically like the Western Heights or Chatham Lines of Sheppey but with a water-filled moat. The old Sheerness Lines were...
  7. Webbs0710

    Report (Permission Visit) Holman's Test Mine, Camborne, Oct 23

    This site is very much active, it's in the hands of a pyrotechnics company who use the tunnels for testing. I visited on an Airsoft weekend, and was given permission to have a wander around for some photos on the second day. The History As mining became established as the backbone of Cornish...
  8. dansgas1000

    Report - East Norton Tunnel, Leicestershire - August 2023

    Introduction This is one of a few places me and @JakeV50 headed for on a nice day in August. We fancied a bit of light painting and were running out of light for above-ground explores at this point so decided to head to this old tunnel. Information & History The East Norton tunnel was...
  9. Parky

    Report - Inhospitable/The Works - 01/10/2023 - Manchester

    Inhospitable + The Works (explored with @Ojay , @MartyZero and a non-member) Inhospitable is a (as the crow flies) 1 and a half kilometer long culvert on the Moss Brook. This drain includes a peculiar feature, called The Works (you will see why its called that soon). The Explore We got to the...
  10. snoided

    Report - Morlais Tunnel, Merthyr Tydfil - July 2023

    Morlais Rail Tunnel, Pant, Methyr Tydfil - July 2023 Seems done to death on here but a fairly pleasant little explore, with the open vent shafts and burnt cars making for some nice points of interest. Another explore with @YaHBo!Moh and another. A Brief History Morlais Tunnel first came into...
  11. Parky

    Report - Worsley Brook (Old Worsley) - Manchester - 09/07/23

    Old Worsley Explored/Photographed with @Ojay and @MartyZero To start off this was quite a rushed and dramatic explore, certainly one of the more mission impossible type explores with the unpredictable weather this month! Photos are mainly by @Ojay and @MartyZero and screen grabs from footage I...
  12. Webbs0710

    Report - Lydbrook Tunnel, Welsh Bicknor, March 23

    This tunnel hasn't had a report in years, probably due to being sealed up for rather a long time. Not sure how long it's been open, but it's been a fair few months at least, I checked it out in the summer last year, didn't go in though, as I didn't have torches with me. It's in poor condition...
  13. dansgas1000

    Report - Old Warden Tunnel, Bedfordshire - April 2023

    Introduction I’ve visited this tunnel a handful of times but have never actually taken any proper photos here. I had a free Saturday and it’s less than two hours from me so I decided to revisit, in addition to seeing what bits remain at Stewartby Brickworks nearby following the demolition of the...
  14. Tunnel Gricer

    Report - Horspath Railway Tunnel - September 2022

    Horspath Tunnel - 520yds. The railway from Princes Risborough to Oxford was authorized in 1861 and construction of the broad gauge line was started by the Wycombe Railway immediately. In 1867 the Wycombe Railway was absorbed into the Great Western Railway and three years later work started on...
  15. hhh

    Report - Hook Norton (Swerford Park) railway tunnel, Oxfordshire - 2022

    The Banbury & Cheltenham Direct Railway was built in three schemes between 1855-87, construction of the final section between Chipping Norton and Banbury did begin until 1873. Construction schedule over-runs and financial difficulties led to a cessation of construction work in 1877 and work did...
  16. S U B T E R

    Report - Scott street utility tunnel - Hull - August 2021

    This tunnel is a utility tunnel under the river hull carrying a water pipe and X2 11,000KW electrical cables. Under the river. But more interestingly this tunnels has recently been cleaned out and a new pump installed to keep the water out and stop the tunnel from flooding as I believe it is...
  17. S U B T E R

    Report - Paragon Station Tunnels - Hull - March 2022

    These tunnels are situated under paragon station in Hull and contain various rooms and an old prison cell under the station buildings situated in the carpark to the side of Anlaby Road. Running the full length of the platforms these tunnels give off catacomb vibes with the low ceilings and...
  18. S U B T E R

    Report - Cellulose Gas Tunnel - Hull - April 2022

    This tunnel was built around the 70s and was made to carry cellulose gases which are used to produce plastics and used in many other industries. This is tunnel is located under a roundabout and is only about 5 or 6ft under ground and running about 70M in length. You'll notice in the images that...
  19. FKL770

    Report - Waterloo-Victoria Tunnel Explore. Liverpool, Merseyside - May 2022

    INTRODUCTION I was with a friend. we entered the area where the entrance of the tunnel is and we waited for a carpark to close so we could jump the fence and get into the tunnel. In the meantime we decided to explore another nearby abandoned building (some type of warehouse) on going into the...
  20. Mr Budge

    Report - Leek Railway Tunnel - March 2022

    This abandoned railway tunnel residing in the quite town of Leek in Staffordshire dates back to 1849 when it first opened as part of the North Staffordshire Railway on the Manchester to stoke route carrying goods for the coal and pottery industries and closed its route in 1964. The Northern...