...ive put this post in here cos the tower crane was the main part of the plan, what little plan we had...
saturdays nights are for gettin drunk and/or spending time under the sheets with girls, so that means fridays are to make the most of. the plan was to have somethin to eat at the trafford centre and do some xmas shoppin... followed by a change of clothes and a little urb-exing!! the dark kit was packed, (all except my damn gloves, which i remembered when nick remembered he forgot his too)!!! so nick picks me up and were off. he says 'were we goin tonight then', im like 'dunno', so he says 'were doin 3 tonight at least' and im like 'coolio'.
area 1. DODGE HILL AIR RAID SHELTER. stockport.
we went lookin for the way into the brinksway air shelter, but once again was beaten. weve looked high and low for the way in to there and the best weve found was a dead rotting fox and some homeless dudes sleeping quaters. so we move down the road to the dodge hill site and we were in luck. you just cant believe what people went through during the war....
once we had covered all the ground we could in there and sqeezed back out, we jumped in the car and headed into town. cant believe how much construction is goin on in manchester at the moment. we had many cranes to pick from... woop
area 2. TOWER CRANE adjacent to pollard st. ancotes. manchester.
this was far bigger than the 1st crane we both did 2 weeks ago. and security was obviously there. plenty of lights. the way in was, to be honest, trecherous. once the perimiter fencing was scaled, there were about 3 levels of scaffolding, wooden boards, dodgy ladders, loose steel, wires, ropes, you name it we stood on it and fell over it lol. we found the base of the crane and had another assessment of the situation. we were a stones throw from the security hut. it was agreed to do it, mainly because it was too cold to sit and think about it!!!
the climb was ok, plenty of platforms to stop on, take a breath on and keep a check on security. we got into the cab for a quick warm. and took some pics.
lookin down at the security hut....
then we got out on top and stood on the ballast....
the crane... and its bigger brother... (we should have done the bigger one nick!!!)
area 3. A NEARBY MILL. ancotes.
we were buzzin after doing the crane and we spotted a mill nearby. so we headed over to it. was there some one in the security hut here? no. it was clear. so i set my camera up to get some shots as nick whistles and sprints past me. SECURITY! nick ended up in the doorway of the security hut before actually realising. we moved on quick.. once we could stop laughing about it....
so, 3 out of 2 aint bad!!!
saturdays nights are for gettin drunk and/or spending time under the sheets with girls, so that means fridays are to make the most of. the plan was to have somethin to eat at the trafford centre and do some xmas shoppin... followed by a change of clothes and a little urb-exing!! the dark kit was packed, (all except my damn gloves, which i remembered when nick remembered he forgot his too)!!! so nick picks me up and were off. he says 'were we goin tonight then', im like 'dunno', so he says 'were doin 3 tonight at least' and im like 'coolio'.
area 1. DODGE HILL AIR RAID SHELTER. stockport.
we went lookin for the way into the brinksway air shelter, but once again was beaten. weve looked high and low for the way in to there and the best weve found was a dead rotting fox and some homeless dudes sleeping quaters. so we move down the road to the dodge hill site and we were in luck. you just cant believe what people went through during the war....
once we had covered all the ground we could in there and sqeezed back out, we jumped in the car and headed into town. cant believe how much construction is goin on in manchester at the moment. we had many cranes to pick from... woop
area 2. TOWER CRANE adjacent to pollard st. ancotes. manchester.
this was far bigger than the 1st crane we both did 2 weeks ago. and security was obviously there. plenty of lights. the way in was, to be honest, trecherous. once the perimiter fencing was scaled, there were about 3 levels of scaffolding, wooden boards, dodgy ladders, loose steel, wires, ropes, you name it we stood on it and fell over it lol. we found the base of the crane and had another assessment of the situation. we were a stones throw from the security hut. it was agreed to do it, mainly because it was too cold to sit and think about it!!!
the climb was ok, plenty of platforms to stop on, take a breath on and keep a check on security. we got into the cab for a quick warm. and took some pics.
lookin down at the security hut....
then we got out on top and stood on the ballast....
the crane... and its bigger brother... (we should have done the bigger one nick!!!)
area 3. A NEARBY MILL. ancotes.
we were buzzin after doing the crane and we spotted a mill nearby. so we headed over to it. was there some one in the security hut here? no. it was clear. so i set my camera up to get some shots as nick whistles and sprints past me. SECURITY! nick ended up in the doorway of the security hut before actually realising. we moved on quick.. once we could stop laughing about it....
so, 3 out of 2 aint bad!!!